

I appreciate you being here! There are a ton of other ways you could have chosen to peruse the web, so I'm genuinely humbled.

Why am I doing this? Great question. As my career shifted from spreadsheets and windowless rooms to startups and venture capital, I began to see how important the art of storytelling was. However, writing outside of school or work always felt foreign to me. I spent a lot of time reading the opinions of others, and it's easy to think, welp, everyone else has it covered. Why would my perspective be useful, so what's the point, right? I've spent almost five years focused on other projects to avoid this one, and here I am.

This blog is called Wise by Chance, which originates from the quote "No man was ever wise by chance" from Seneca, a well known stoic philosopher. In a letter written by Seneca, he goes on to explain that "to be wise; you've got to go after it with all your heart. It's always earned through failure, experience, connections and collections of knowledge, and more failure." I can't think of a better way to describe an entrepreneur and how I strive to live my own life on a personal and professional level.

Stoicism comprises a multitude of life lessons and teachings to help humans be better humans. It's a mindset I try to implement throughout every portion of each day I live, and I consistently fail at doing so. Understanding this is a vital part of improving and hopefully puts me on a true path to achieving some level of wisdom.

I look forward to stumbling down that path with all of you.

Tim Roe